Creating your development environment
The preferred way is to create a virtualenv (you can do by using virtualenv, virtualenvwrapper, pyenv or whatever tool you'd like).
Create the virtualenv:
mkvirtualenv rows
Install all plugins' dependencies:
pip install --editable .[all]
Install development dependencies:
pip install -r requirements-development.txt
Running the tests
There are two possible ways of running the tests: on your own virtualenv or for each Python version.
For the PostgreSQL plugin you're going to need a PostgreSQL server running and
must set the POSTGRESQL_URI
environment variable. If you have docker
installed you can easily create a container running PostgreSQL with the
provided docker-compose.yml
by running:
docker-compose -p rows -f docker-compose.yml up -d
Running on your virtualenv
nosetests -dsv --with-yanc --with-coverage --cover-package rows tests/*.py
Running for all Python versions
Run tests:
make test
or (if you don't have make
you can also run tox against an specific python version:
tox -e py27
tox -e py35
tox known issues : running tox with py27 environ may raise InvocationError in
non Linux environments. To avoid it you may rebuild tox environment in every
run with tox -e py27 -r
or if you want to run nosetests directly (see last
Running PostgreSQL tests
A PostgreSQL server is needed to run the PostgreSQL plugin tests. You can use
Docker to easily run a PostgreSQL server, but can also
use your own method to run it. The POSTGRESQL_URI
environment variable need
to be se so you can run the tests.
Running the PostgreSQL container using docker-compose, set the environment variable and run the PostgreSQL-specific tests:
docker-compose -p rows -f docker-compose.yml up -d
export POSTGRESQL_URI=postgres://postgres:postgres@
nosetests -dsv --with-yanc --with-coverage --cover-package rows tests/
Generating the documentation
Just run:
make docs
And check the docs-build/
You can also serve it via HTTP:
make docs-serve
Releasing new versions
# X = next version number
# *** Create the release branch
git checkout -b release/X
# Update docs/ & commit
# Change version number in `` and `rows/` & commit
# *** Merge into master, tag and test it
git checkout master && git merge --no-ff release/X
git tag -a X
make test
# *** Release to PyPI and docs to GitHub Pages
make release
make docs-upload
# *** Update remote repository
git branch -d release/X
git push turicas master
git checkout develop
# Change version number in `` and `rows/` to the next
# dev version (eg: if released 0.4.1, then change to 0.4.2dev0) & commit
git push turicas develop